Subject Email: Information #Record Process (Core Message)

Example Body Email: How does the record process will be done? (or any body email that related to the Subject Email)

Subject Email: Symposium Fee_Paper ID_XXXX or Publication Fee_Paper ID_Title of Article

Example Body Email: How much of fee for Symposium Fee/Payment Fee? (or any body email that related to the Subject Email)

Subject Email: Revised Article_Paper ID_Title of Article

Example Body Email: How long does it take to Revised the Article?(or any body email that related to the Subject Email)

Subject Email: Publication_Paper ID_Title of Article

Body Email: Is it journal for this symposium has a good reputation?(or any body email that related to the Subject Email)

Subject Email: Assistance_Paper ID_Title of Article

Body Email: I have trouble to adjust with the template, could you please help us? (or any body email that related to the Subject Email)

Subject Email: Concern_Paper ID_Title of Article

Body Email: Is it possible to extend the submission? (or any body email that related to the Subject Email)