The Undergraduate Scientific Writing Competition cultivates critical thinking and research skills among bachelor’s and diploma students across Indonesia, with a focus on earth sciences, energy solutions, environmental challenges, and sustainability practices. This competition recognizes the importance of nurturing young minds to address local environmental issues and contribute to sustainable development.


  • Bachelor’s/Diploma students from universities across Indonesia
  • Individual or group (max 3 members per group)


  • Earth science
  • Energy
  • Environmental science
  • Sustainable development


Scientific article, minimum 5000 words (excluding references)

Evaluation Criteria

  • Originality
  • Methodology
  • Analysis
  • Relevance to the chosen theme


  • First Prize: 225 USD
  • Second Prize: 145 USD
  • Third Prize: 80 USD


All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Article format can use template from JESSD or IASSSF. Please download the template on the following link.