Workshop Theme V

Geobranding in Indonesia

Indonesia’s diverse geography offers unique opportunities for geobranding. This workshop explores how to leverage geological and cultural assets to create strong, place-based brands that can boost tourism, conservation efforts, and local economies across the Indonesian archipelago.


Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Ph.D

Universitas Bakrie


  • Explore the concept and importance of geobranding in the Indonesian context.
  • Analyze successful geobranding case studies from various regions in Indonesia.
  • Develop strategies for effective geobranding of local areas.


  • Introduction to geobranding: Concepts and principles in the Indonesian context.
  • Case studies of successful geobrands in Indonesia and globally.
  • Elements of effective geobrand strategy and stakeholder engagement.
  • Group activity: Developing a geobrand concept for a local area.
  • Challenges and opportunities in Indonesian geobranding


20-50 students, geopark practitioners, tourism professionals, and local government representatives.

Date and Venue

  • Date: December 8th, 2024
  • Time: 13:00 PM – 15:00 PM


English and Indonesian