Presentation with Paper

Includes registration fee for submitting and attending the symposium. This fee is paid after the paper has been accepted by the editor to be presented in the symposium. The amount is $50.

Publication Fee

Includes proofreading, editing, and publication fee. This fee is paid after the paper has been published. The amount is $150 (for proceedings submitted for inclusion in leading Abstracting and Indexing services, including Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar).

After your payment is confirmed, the committee will send receipts/invoices as a reply to the email.

Symposium Attendance (without presentations)

For those interested in attending the symposium without presenting, participation is free of charge. This option allows access specifically to the Keynote Speakers Presentation Session. This free attendance is limited to the keynote presentations and does not include other symposium activities, presentation rights, or publication opportunities.

Workshop Registration

All registered participants are eligible to attend the workshop at no additional cost. This includes access to all workshop sessions, which offer valuable opportunities for hands-on learning and skills development in a variety of areas related to the symposium theme.

Scientific Writing Competition Entry

The symposium includes a scientific paper writing competition, open to all eligible participants at no additional cost. This competition provides a platform for showcasing research skills, innovative ideas, and scholarly findings related to the symposium’s themes. It offers an opportunity for researchers to gain visibility for their work, receive expert feedback, and potentially earn recognition for their academic contributions.