Submission Guideline

While preparing your submission, please consider the following items as your guideline:

  • The article was written in English (American English) and carefully reviewed by a native English editor.
  • Prepare your article in two documents:
    • Full Article that includes any author information (Name, Affiliation, and Email for each author).
    • Anonymous Article that excludes any author information (Name, Affiliation, and Email for each author).
    Please rename your article with this format: “Manuscript_Name of First Author”.
  • Please carefully prepare your files based on the provided templates, both Full Article and Anonymous Article. Make sure that any author information has been excluded in the Anonymous Article. Pay attention to every detail instruction in the template.
  • The article shall contain at least 6 pages and a maximum of 10 pages, including references. If the article includes more than 10 pages, the publisher will charge approximately USD 20 for each additional page.
  • Please prepare at least one reviewer that might be competent to provide a substantial review of the article.
  • Please carefully check the Ethics section for more guidelines on Submission Ethics, Review Ethics, and Similarity Check.
  • Articles accepted for Oral and Poster Presentation have the same rights for publication. The committee will make the decision for Accepted Oral and Poster.
  • If you are having trouble with the online submission, do not hesitate to contact us via email at /

Online Submissions Guideline

Before Submitting your Article, please ensure the policies, such as:

  • For Authors that submit with Oral and/or Poster Presentation has a same right for Publication Plan.
  • For Proceedings, Authors can submit the article maximum 2 articles whether as a First Author, Correspondence Author, or Third Author and so on;
  • For JESSD or IASSSF Journals, maximum paper submission is 3 articles.

Link to submit: to be provided once the Morressier system is ready

Upload Article

Please follow the enclosed article template and sample article while preparing your articles. Copy and paste directly to the template with some sort of adjustment. Minimum number of pages required is 6 pages and maximum 10 pages for Proceeding, including References. Please also delete any information about author(s), including the Acknowledgements section. Any article submission that do not comply to the template will be returned or directly rejected.

Please confirm the following statements before finishing submission:

  • The uploaded files has been carefully prepared based on the provided templates*
  • The article represents a qualified scientific knowledge that might come from international collaborations*
  • Author(s) has/have approved the article and agree(s) with the submission, therefore any withdrawal of the article is prohibited once it is submitted*
  • Author(s) is/are willing to pay the symposium fee and publication fee charged by the organizers (symposium fee is mandatory charged for one author attendance virtually while publication fee is optionally charged before the symposium or after the article is listed in Scopus)*
  • The article does not contain any form of plagiarism*
  • Author(s) has/have made significant substantial contribution to the article, whether it is in the concept or design, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas*
  • The article has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (either partly or wholly)*
  • Author(s) has/have acknowledged any conflict of interest in the article, if necessary*
  • Author(s) has/have acknowledged any source of funding in the article, if necessary*
  • The article was written in English and carefully reviewed by a native English editor*